How to thrive as creatives monetising your passions even if working in 9-5?

For creative, ambitious and scattered women who want to thrive & have it all

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    Laura Kressmann

    Creative Confidence Coach

    Marketing Strategist Mentor

    Who am I?

    I'm a French native, and help female creatives reclaim their confidence to create, lead and monetise their passion even while working in a 9-5.

    I’m a multi passionate who had to give myself permission to go outside the expected career path, re-write my own rules to reconcile my passions with work.

    What will you learn?

    • What has been holding you back to build a career that works for you.
    • How to future proof your career that is tailored to creatives thought leaders & entrepreneurs
    • The exact roadmap that will enable to express your true creative self and have the impact your aspire to have in the world